TCM Assist - Onboarding new company

Onboarding new company

Below is a step-by-step description of the onboarding process for a new company.

Steps to follow

  1. Register the company (please contact us for this purpose). click here
  2. Complete all data (logo, etc.). How to edit a company?
  3. Take out insurance. How can I take out insurance?
  4. Create products. How do you create a product?

*Important: We can preload your products with the respective prices.

  1. Optional: Create product bundles. How to create additional products?
  2. Optional: Create diagnoses. How to create a diagnosis?
  3. Create treatments. How to create a treatment?
  4. Create therapists and assign treatments to them. How to create a therapist?
  5. Optional: Create questionnaires. How to create a questionnaire?
  6. Optional: Create time block. How to create a time block in the calendar?
  7. Create patient(s). How to create a patient?

*Important: We can summon your patients.

  1. Create one or more appointments. How do you create an appointment as a therapist?
  2. Optional: Create reminders. How to create a reminder?
  3. Create an invoice. How to create an invoice?

:video_camera:Explanatory video

The video is subtitled in English by default. You can change this to the language of your choice in the video settings.