TCM Assist - Reminders: Organization of tasks after the appointment

Reminders: Organization of tasks after the appointment

Reminders are an invaluable tool for therapists to organize and track tasks and actions required after each patient appointment.

They can range from monitoring specific treatments to scheduling follow-up appointments or reviewing important notes.

This not only improves the quality of care, but also contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the therapeutic process.

Below is a step-by-step process for creating a reminder, as well as an explanatory video.

Steps to follow

  1. Go to the “Reminders” section.
  2. Click on the “New reminder” button.
  3. Click on the “Title” field and enter the name of the reminder.
  4. Click in the “Task” field and enter the task you would like to be reminded of.
  5. Click in the “Schedule” field, enter the desired date and time or click on the calendar and select the desired values.
  6. Click on the “Therapist” drop-down field and select the therapist to whom the reminder should be assigned.
  7. Use the switch to create a private or public reminder (by default, they are created publicly).
  8. Optional: Click on the “Notes” field and write a note as a reminder.
  9. Finally, click on the “Save” button.
  10. As soon as the reminder has been created, you can mark it as completed using the field to the left of the reminder. You can also assign the status “Priority” using the “Important” button.

:video_camera:Explanatory video

The video is subtitled in English by default. You can change this to the language of your choice in the video settings.