TCM Assist - Creation of the patient

Creation of the patient

Below is a step-by-step process for creating a time block in the calendar, as well as an explanatory video.

Below is a step-by-step process for creating a patient, as well as an explanatory video.

Steps to follow

  1. Go to the “Patients” section.
  2. Click on the “Add patient” button and you will be redirected to a form in which you must fill in all the required fields to create a new patient.
  3. Click on the “First name” field and enter the first name.
  4. Click on the “Surname” field and enter the surname.
  5. Click in the “E-mail” field and enter your e-mail address.
  6. Click in the “Phone” field and enter your telephone number.
  7. Click on the “Country” drop-down menu and select your country.
  8. Click on the “State” field and enter the state.
  9. Click in the “City” field and enter the city.
  10. Click in the “Postcode” field and enter the zip code.
  11. Click in the “Street” field and enter the street address.
  12. Click on the “Related to” drop-down menu and select the relevant patient.
  13. Click on the “Gender” drop-down menu and select the gender.
  14. Click on the “Insurance” drop-down menu and select an insurance policy.
  15. Click on the “Therapist” drop-down menu and select a therapist.
  16. Click on the “Industry” drop-down menu and select an industry.
  17. Click on the “Birth” field to enter the date of birth, or click on the calendar in the “Birth” field and select the date.
  18. Optional: Click on the “Comments” field and enter comments.
  19. Finally, click on the “Save” button.

:cámara_en_vídeo:Explanatory video

The video is subtitled in English by default. You can change this to the language of your choice in the video settings.