General terms and conditions Patients

General terms of use for patients

  1. Subject
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG offers a platform that allows patients to book appointments online at a therapist’s facility, as well as allows therapists and patients to share information and content. These General Terms of Use for Patients (hereinafter “ANB Patients”) set forth the terms and conditions for the use of the Digitales Zeugs UG platform by individuals or patients. The terms and conditions for the use of the platform by the therapists and their employees are the subject of a separate agreement and are not governed by these ANB Patients.
  1. The following definitions apply
    1. Subscription Model: Document referring to the T&C Therapists accepted by Digitales Zeugs UG and a Therapist and describing in particular the services ordered by the Therapist and the fee to be paid by the Therapist.
    2. Services/Services: Provision of the Digitales Zeugs UG platform and the services provided in connection with the platform. The services vary depending on the subscription model and include, for example. the online appointment booking.
    3. Main Contract: contractual agreement between the Therapist and Digitales Zeugs UG, including the GTC Therapists, the Subscription Model, the Order Data Processing Agreement, and any other documents referred to therein.
    4. Collaborators (of the therapist): all persons who assisted the therapist in providing his/her services, such as another therapist, a secretarial staff member, or other professional.
    5. Related Person: natural person for whom the User is authorized by it or by operation of law to transfer their personal data to the Platform, to make an appointment online directly through their User Account, and to view and manage all content and information related to the Related Person’s treatment.
    6. User: natural individual who accesses the Digitales Zeugs UG services or platform, regardless of whether he or she actually uses or has used the therapist’s services.
    7. User Account: Account that enables Users to use the Platform and related services of Digitales Zeugs UG.
    8. Patient: natural person who uses the services of the therapist.
    9. Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
    10. Platform: software package that includes the Website and the App and, in particular, enables the use of the Services, as well as all Content.
    11. Therapist: Person who runs a practice and uses the Digitales Zeugs UG platform to support the operation of the practice.
    12. Therapist Account: Account that allows therapists and/or their staff to use the Digitales Zeugs UG platform and related services.
  1. The platform of Digitales Zeugs UG enables the user in particular:
    1. the online booking of appointments
    2. the document management,
    3. data processing of patient data on behalf of the therapist by Digitales Zeugs UG.
  1. The platform is made available to the user free of charge. However, the user is aware that the services of Digitales Zeugs UG refer to care or treatment services that may not be covered by a statutory health insurance or reimbursed by a private insurance.
  1. Insofar as information is provided on the website of Digitales Zeugs UG regarding the fees of the therapists, it is non-binding information. Digitales Zeugs UG does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. The final price of the treatment actually performed may vary depending on the type of treatment according to the legal and tariff requirements. It is the responsibility of the therapist to inform the patient of the cost of the treatment or care service.
  1. The use of Digitales Zeugs UG services is reserved to natural persons.
  1. By accessing the Platform, opening a personal user account or otherwise using the Services, the User confirms that he/she has read and unconditionally accepts these ANB Patients and any special terms and conditions that may be included on the Platform.
  1. If the User does not agree with these ANB Patients or any part of these ANB Patients, the User may not use the Services.
  1. By accessing the Platform or using the Services, the User confirms that he or she is at least 18 years of age and is able to contractually bind himself or herself in accordance with German law.
  1. In order to access the platform, use the services and all additional modules, the user needs a user account.
  1. A user account may only be created by one individual and may only be used by that individual. The user is not allowed to create multiple personal user accounts or to share his personal user account with other persons or to make it available to them.
  1. The user account is set up by the user or the therapist. The User enters into a separate contract with each therapist regarding the services provided by the therapist and data protection.
  1. In order for an individual or patient to use the Digitales Zeugs UG services, they must create a user account either themselves or the therapist or a person appointed by the therapist.

Creation of a user account by the user

  1. When setting up his user account, the user undertakes:
    1. to provide correct and complete information about his identity as requested in the online form;
    2. not to take any actions by which Digitales Zeugs UG, the therapist or third parties could be misled;
    3. to immediately update the information provided by him in case of changes.
  1. The User may use his/her User Account to use the Services on behalf of a related person under his/her responsibility. The user confirms that he is authorized by the person close to him or by law,
    1. to use the personal data of the person close to him/her and to register him/her on the platform;
    2. make an appointment on their behalf; and
    3. Receive information and content related to their appointments (e.g. SMS for appointment reminders).
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist reserve the right to verify the identity of the user themselves or through a specialized third party provider, in particular to request a copy of the user’s identity card.
  1. In the event that the User provides false, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading information, Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the Therapist may immediately and without notice or compensation terminate access to the User’s account and suspend access to all or part of the Services.
  1. After confirming the ANB patients and setting up the user account, the user will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address provided by him. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the email address provided is correct.

Setup of a user account by therapists or employees

  1. The Therapist or its employees may create a User Account on behalf of a User in order for the User to access the Platform and related services. The prerequisite for this is that the user grants the therapist or employee the following rights
    1. the use of his personal data and their registration on the software of Digitales Zeugs UG;
    2. the arrangement of an appointment;
    3. The maintenance of medical records;
    4. the preparation of invoices.

All rights and obligations associated with the user account apply to the user regardless of whether the user account is created by the user or by the therapist/employee for the user. The same applies to the powers of Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the therapist in relation to the user account.

  2. The therapist is entitled to send SMS or e-mails to the user via the platform of Digitales Zeugs UG for the following purposes
    1. for appointment confirmation, cancellation or reminder;
    2. to inform the user about the transmission of documents;
    3. to communicate to the user any information related to the user’s treatment or to the organization of the therapist’s activity.
  1. The authorization to send SMS/emails also applies to employees of the therapist, insofar as their involvement in the treatment process or for appointment management is required.
  1. These SMS/emails are sent by Digitales Zeugs UG on behalf of the therapist with whom the user has made an appointment, via the Digitales Zeugs UG platform or via other channels independent of Digitales Zeugs UG (email server, mobile network).
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG assumes no responsibility and no liability in the event that an SMS or e-mail is not received for technical reasons beyond its control.
  1. The therapist and/or user can refuse to send SMS/emails. Such request by the User shall be addressed to the therapist or his/her staff with whom the User has made an appointment. The therapist is solely responsible for disabling text messaging/emailing.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist disclaim any responsibility in case of incorrect data entry by the user or therapist, which makes the proper operation and management of the services impossible.
  1. The user account includes in particular access to the access data provided by the therapist and or Digitales Zeugs UG. The access data is provided by the therapist, their staff and/or Digitales Zeugs UG. The user undertakes to keep the access data to his user account secret and not to pass them on in any form.
  1. If any of the user’s access data is lost or stolen, the user shall immediately notify Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the therapist so that Digitales Zeugs UG or the therapist can immediately delete or update the relevant access data.
  1. The User is solely responsible for the use of his/her access data, especially if he/she uses his/her access data for an automatic connection to the Services on a device.
  1. Any access, use of the Services and transmission of data from the User Account shall be deemed to have been performed by the User. In this regard, the User must ensure that the connection to the Services is actually disconnected at the end of each session, especially if the Services are accessed from a public computer.
  1. The user alone is responsible for the loss, misuse, appropriation or unauthorized use of the user’s access data and the resulting consequences. In all aforementioned cases, the user is obliged to inform the therapist or Digitales Zeugs UG immediately by e-mail to UG, stating his access data, name and surname, so that Digitales Zeugs UG or the therapist can reset the user account.
  1. The User may book an appointment for treatment at the Therapist’s facility online for him/herself or for a loved one at any time when the appointment is shown as available on the Platform. Each appointment booking is transmitted in real time to the therapist, who can reschedule or delete the appointment from his or her schedule. In the latter case, the user will be informed immediately by e-mail and/or SMS.
  1. The user can manage his appointments and the appointments of related persons (cancellation, modification) and track the progress of his appointments and those of related persons.
  1. Embedding the link for booking appointments and accessing the user account on the therapist’s website is the responsibility of the therapist.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG cannot be held responsible in any way for any cancellation or unavailability of the therapist after a successful appointment has been made between the therapist and the patient via the online appointment booking. In addition, Digitales Zeugs UG assumes no liability in the event that the therapist cancels the appointment or does not show up. Digitales Zeugs UG assumes no liability for any dispute, regardless of its cause, between the Therapist and a Patient (or any other person interacting with the Therapist through the Services).
  1. The user undertakes to provide all data required for the proper use of the online appointment booking.
  1. The agreement of an appointment via the online appointment booking is binding for the user. The user is obliged to inform the therapist in advance about a no-show at an agreed appointment. This communication can be done either through the Digitales Zeugs UG platform or by otherwise contacting the therapist. Failure to attend may result in legal consequences or disruption of the treatment process, for which Digitales Zeugs UG bears no responsibility.
  1. The therapist and/or Digitales Zeugs UG have the right to block the online appointment booking or to cancel appointments booked by the user if the user does not keep the online appointments. Digitales Zeugs UG assumes no liability for the blocking of online appointment booking and/or the cancellation of appointments.
  1. The user can upload, create or submit content and information for treatments and appointments to the platform via his user account. By doing so, the user grants the therapist access to this content and information and gives the therapist permission to download and manage the content and information.
  1. The therapist can upload, create or submit content and information for treatments and appointments to the platform through their account. By doing so, the therapist grants the respective user access to this content and information and grants the user permission to download and manage the content and information.
  1. The User remains the sole owner of the content and information he uploads, creates or transmits on the Platform. The therapist remains the sole owner of the content and information he uploads, creates or transmits on the platform.
  1. The therapist and the user have the ability to add, view, download and delete content and information at any time.
  1. Content and information deleted by the user will be deleted from the user’s account. The therapist retains a copy of the content and information to fulfill their legal documentation requirements.
  1. In the event that the User wishes to ensure that the content and information is deleted by the Therapist, the User must expressly request the Therapist in writing (e.g. via e-mail) to delete the document.
  1. Furthermore, the user resp. the therapist is solely responsible for the legality of the content and information he uploads to the platform or shares with the therapist or user or other persons. By uploading, the therapist and the user confirm that they are authorized to use, share and manage it.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the documents shared by the therapist and the user.
  1. The therapist and the user are solely responsible for the transmission to third parties of documents containing personal health information.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG stores the user data as well as the therapist data in encrypted form. The encryption certificates are assigned to the therapist.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG may view the documents and content shared by the user or therapist only with the consent of the therapist and the provision of the encryption certificate.
  1. All connections and transactions within the platform are encrypted.
  1. The user undertakes
    1. To comply with these ANB patients;
    2. Digitales Zeugs UG and/or to provide the therapist with all necessary proof of identity;
    3. Digitales Zeugs UG and/or to provide the therapist within the agreed deadlines with all information necessary for the provision of the services and to regularly update the user data. The User shall be solely liable for all consequences related to any error or delay in updating the aforementioned data;
    4. verify that the technical requirements for the use of the services are met, if technical requirements are specified;
    5. Protect against the risks of loss or theft of data, files and theft by using regularly updated anti-virus software packages;
    6. Maintain the highest possible level of confidentiality with respect to the Access Data in order to prevent unauthorized use of the Services;
    7. to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the contract when using the services;
    8. not to use the services in a way that could damage the reputation of Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the therapist;
    9. not to infringe the rights of third parties by the information and data he discloses in the course of using the services and to disclose such data only if he is entitled to do so;
    10. to use the services only for personal and private purposes. The services may not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes.
  1. The user is prohibited from:
    1. attempt to access or copy the source codes of the Digitales Zeugs UG platform;
    2. use the Digitales Zeugs UG platform for any purpose other than the use of the Services;
    3. Make copies of the Digitales Zeugs UG platform;
    4. reproduce, correct, extract, modify, publish, translate into one or more languages, or integrate the Digitales Zeugs UG platform with other platforms, or create derivative works based on the Digitales Zeugs UG platform.
    5. resell, lease or commercially exploit the platform or transfer the platform to third parties;
    6. Perform penetration testing or attempt to obtain a denial of service for the Services.
    7. use any part of the Services to create a competing product or service or copy its features or user interface; and
    8. Collect email addresses or other content available on the Platform for spam purposes.
  1. The user acknowledges that all violations of this article constitute a violation of the law and may be subject to criminal penalties.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG will use all necessary means to ensure the smooth operation and quality of the services.
  1. The user acknowledges that the role of Digitales Zeugs UG is limited to that of a simple intermediary and technical service provider. Digitales Zeugs UG assumes no liability in connection with medical/nursing services provided by the therapists.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG is authorized to use subcontractors for the provision of the services. However, this does not release Digitales Zeugs UG from its obligations under these ANB Patients imposed on Order Processors.
  1. The user acknowledges that Digitales Zeugs UG is not responsible for interruptions or delays and is not liable for interruptions or delays of the services that are beyond its control, in particular that the provision of the services depends on the reliability, availability and provision of a permanent connection by third parties (operators of the telecommunications network, public Internet, etc.) as well as on the accuracy and completeness of the user data.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG may be forced to suspend services for scheduled maintenance by Digitales Zeugs UG or one of its subcontractors or interrupt services in case of technical necessity (emergency maintenance).

  1. Digitales Zeugs UG disclaims any liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the Services and/or the Platform, except in case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, including, but not limited to, damages arising under tort law, loss of data or other intangible losses, in particular due to
    1. the use of the Platform, the Services or the Content, their unavailability or the impossibility to use them;
    2. of unauthorized access to or modification of the data;
    3. the statements or conduct of third parties on or in connection with the Platform;
    4. of the information available on the platform;
    5. any other cause in connection with the Services.
  1. The Services, Platform and Content are provided “as is” and “as available”. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Digitales Zeugs UG makes no warranties in this regard, express, implied or statutory, including any warranties of quality, fitness for a particular purpose, peaceful enjoyment and non-infringement. In particular, Digitales Zeugs UG does not warrant that the Services will meet the User’s requirements, that they will be uninterrupted or error-free, that all defects will be corrected, that Digitales Zeugs UG will ensure the continued compatibility of the Services with all third party products even if they were compatible at a particular time, and that the Services will always be available and remain available unchanged.
  1. The use of the Platform and the Services is entirely at the risk of the User and Digitales Zeugs UG expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the User’s use of the Services and/or any decisions the User makes based on the information obtained from the use of the Services. Furthermore, Digitales Zeugs UG is not liable for any damages resulting from a use of the services by the user that is contrary to the contract, contrary to the documents or illegal.

Use of the Services does not directly or indirectly alter or diminish the Therapist’s liability and obligations to Patients. The therapist shall exercise his/her professional practice independently, in accordance with the professional, legal and regulatory obligations applicable to him/her and under his/her sole responsibility.

  1. The quality and proper delivery of medical treatment is the responsibility of the therapist.
  1. The role of the therapist is limited to his or her role as provider of the services rendered during consultations and as owner of the patient’s data. The Therapist assumes no responsibility for the technical operation of the Services.
  1. The User acknowledges that the Therapist shall not be responsible for any interruptions and shall not be liable for any interruptions or delays in the Services that are beyond its control, including, without limitation, that the provision of the Services is dependent upon the reliability, availability and provision of a permanent connection by third parties (operators of the

of the telecommunication network, the public Internet, the User’s, etc.) and depends on the accuracy and completeness of the User’s data. The therapist is authorized to suspend the services for planned updates, for legal or personal reasons.

  1. The user agrees to indemnify and hold Digitales Zeugs UG harmless for all costs (including fees, expenses and court costs) and damages in connection with complaints and lawsuits that arise
    1. relate to his unlawful, immoral, fraudulent use of the Services (or that of persons close to him) or use in violation of these ANB Patients;
    2. refer to the information and documents provided by him and their use by Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the therapist;
    3. relate to the infringement of rights of Digitales Zeugs UG or third parties through its use of the Services.
  1. All data, content and information entered by the user are the property of the user.
  1. The Platform, the Services and all components that comprise them, as well as the content and information that Digitales Zeugs makes available on the Platform, are the exclusive property of Digitales Zeugs UG, unless otherwise stated.
  1. No provision of these ANB Patients may be deemed to transfer any intellectual rights or intellectual property.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG grants the user a non-exclusive, revocable non-transferable and non-assignable right to use the services of Digitales Zeugs UG for the duration of the contract that the therapist enters into with Digitales Zeugs UG.
  1. No special properties are warranted for the services of Digitales Zeugs UG, unless they are defined elsewhere in the contracts.
  1. The use of personal data is governed by the provisions in the order agreement, which is available at XXX.
  1. Regarding the use of cookies, please refer to the applicable cookie policy of Digitales Zeugs UG. under XXX/LinkPrivacy?

Change and setting

  1. Digitales Zeugs UG reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently discontinue, or restrict access to the Platform or any service at any time, with or without notice, and that it may be held liable for doing so, without giving any particular reason

Suspension and discontinuation by Digitales Zeugs UG

  1. Digitales Zeugs UG may, in its sole discretion and without liability to the User, with or without notice, at any time block or restrict access to the User’s account or any Services and disable or delete the User’s account
    1. if the user violates or fails to fulfill the obligations specified in the ANB Patients;
    2. if the user behaves in a way that could harm Digitales Zeugs UG and/or a therapist and/or other users;
    3. if the user violates applicable laws and regulations;
    4. if there is another justified reason.
  1. If Digitales Zeugs UG suspends or restricts the Services or deactivates the User Account, the User is neither entitled nor authorized to open a new personal User Account in his name or in the name of another User or to use the User Account of another User to make use of the Services.

Deletion by the user

  1. The user can have his user account deleted at any time by sending an e-mail to
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist reserve the right to terminate the services in case of suspected breach of contract.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist reserve the right to take reasonable precautions and block the user’s access in case of reasonable suspicion of breach of contract or violation of these terms.

If the suspicion can be dispelled, the blockage will be lifted again. Otherwise, Digitales Zeugs UG and/or the therapist may delete the user’s account.

Termination of online access by the therapist

  1. The therapist is entitled to close the user’s access to his user account with a notice period of 1 month without giving any reason.

Termination Digital stuff by the therapist

  1. The therapist is entitled to terminate the contract with Digital Stuff in the agreed terms. The right to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected. By terminating the contract with the therapist, the connected user accounts will also be deleted.

Termination of the therapist by digital stuff

  1. Digital Stuff is entitled to terminate the contract with the therapist in the agreed terms. The right to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected. By terminating the contract with the therapist, the connected user accounts will also be deleted.

Consequences of the deletion of the user account

  1. The deletion of the user account, has the consequence that
    1. the user no longer has access to his account and related services;
    2. all data of the user and all medical records contained in the user account are deleted or made anonymous, provided that this does not conflict with any retention regulations
  1. In accordance with his right to data portability of personal data, the user may save his data in a CSV or Excel format before his user account is deleted.
  1. The user acknowledges that he/she has all rights and/or necessary permissions to restore the above mentioned data.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist are entitled to keep a copy of the confidential information if there is a legal obligation to do so.
  2. Deletion of the user account does not affect the obligations between the therapist and the user. E.g. an open appointment or invoice. These obligations must be regulated separately by the user and the therapist.
  1. The user has the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days.
  1. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must inform the therapist via e-mail or by another clear declaration (e.g. by post) of his/her decision to withdraw from this contract.
  1. The User may use the enclosed model withdrawal form for withdrawal (see Section XVII), but is not obliged to do so.
  1. To comply with the cancellation period, it is sufficient for the user to send the cancellation before the end of the cancellation period.
  2. With the use of a service of the therapist the right of withdrawal of the user expires. Thus, the right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the user makes use of the therapist’s service before the withdrawal period expires.

Consequences of revocation:

  1. After revocation, Digitales Zeugs AG blocks access to the user account.
  1. The revocation of the contract does not affect the obligations between the therapist and the patient, such as, for example. an open appointment or invoice.

Severability clause

  1. Should individual provisions of these ANB Patients be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the ANB Patients.
  1. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a substitute provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the unenforceable provision.

Deposit and changes of ANB patients

  1. The ANB patients are stored on the Digital Stuff website and can be accessed in the user accounts in the “XXX” section.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG is free to change these ANB Patients at any time, especially to reflect legal and/or technical developments or limitations. Changes to the ANB patients will be communicated to the user at least six weeks prior to their effective date. The user may object to the change within this period. After expiry of the deadline, the amendment will automatically come into force. If the user objects, Digitales Zeugs UG has the option to delete the user account.

Technical support

  1. The therapist and his team are available for technical support and assistance on working days from 09:00 to 18:00. In exceptional cases, availability may vary.
  1. Digitales Zeugs UG may occasionally ask users to participate in voluntary satisfaction surveys to evaluate the quality of Digitales Zeugs UG’s services. The user is under no obligation to Digitales Zeugs UG to participate in these surveys in order to answer these surveys.

Beta versions:

  1. Digital Stuff UG may offer the user to try beta versions of certain services. Beta services are provided for evaluation purposes only and cannot be used in a production environment.
  1. User acknowledges that beta versions may contain bugs, errors and other problems and approves them “as is” without warranty of any kind.
  1. Digital Stuff UG
    1. cannot be held responsible or liable for any problems related to the user’s use of the beta versions;
    2. their use may remove all data contained in the above beta versions without any liability.

Trial version:

  1. Access to the Services in trial mode is subject to the User’s prior acceptance of these Terms of Use.
  1. The Trial Services are provided “as is”, without support or implied warranty of any kind.
  1. A reference to a document or legal provision always refers to the current version.

Third Party Websites:

  1. Digitales Zeugs UG and the Therapist are not responsible for the operation, quality of information, or content of third party websites that are not under the control of Digitales Zeugs UG or the Therapist, but to which Digitales Zeugs UG’s or the Therapist’s services link.

Disputes, applicable law and place of jurisdiction

  1. Before taking legal action, Digitales Zeugs UG, the therapist and the user agree to reach an amicable settlement. The European Commission provides software for online out-of-court disputes ( ).
  2. Digitales Zeugs UG and the therapist are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a formal dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
  3. In the event of any inconsistency between the German version of these GTC and its attachments and a version in another language, the German version shall prevail.
  4. The present contract shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The place of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf.

If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it to the therapist or Digitales Zeugs UG

“To the Therapist and Digital Stuff

I (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us for access to the platform of Digitales Zeugs UG and the creation of a corresponding user account for the purpose of using the services enabled by the platform Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

User name

Address of the user

Signature of the user (only in case of a paper on paper)


Last version: May 2023

Digitales Zeugs UG