TCM Assist - How to edit a company?

How to edit a company?

Below is a step-by-step process for editing a company, as well as an explanatory video.

Steps to follow

  1. Log in to the application. To do this, follow the steps described below.
  2. Click on the “E-mail or patient ID” field and enter your e-mail address or patient ID.
  3. Click on the “Password” field and enter your password.
  4. Optional: Click on the “Save login” checkbox if you want to save your login data.
  5. Click on the “Log in” button.
  6. You will receive an e-mail with an authentication code in your e-mail inbox, which you must then enter by clicking on the “2FA code” field.
  7. Finally, click on the “Send” button.
  8. If you are logged in to the application, go to the “Settings” section.
  9. Click on the “Edit company” button.
  10. Update company information:
    1. Update of the company logo:
      1. Click on the “Change logo” button, a pop-up window will open.
      2. Click on the “Upload another image” button.
      3. Select the desired image.
      4. Click on the “Upload” button.
    2. To update one of the following fields: Company name, slogan, street, house number, city, state, country, postal code, website or tax number.
      1. Click on the desired field and enter the new value.
    3. To update the time zone:
      1. Click on the drop-down menu and select the appropriate zone.
    4. To update the colors:
      1. Click on the color you want to update and select the appropriate color.

Finally, click on the “Update company” button.

  1. Update company e-mail:
    1. Click on the “E-mail address” field and enter the new value.

Finally, click on the “Update e-mail” button.

  1. Update the company’s phone number:
    1. Click on the “Phone number” field and enter the new value.

Finally, click on the “Update phone” button.

  1. Update the company’s bank account:
    1. To update one of the following fields: IBAN, BIC or bank name.
      1. Click on the desired field and enter the new value.

Finally, click on the “Update information” button.

:video_camera:Explanatory video

The video is subtitled in English by default. You can change this to the language of your choice in the video settings.